Raising your prices can feel edgy and uncomfortable. But if you’re serious about growing your business profitably and sustainably, you need to do it regularly.

You see, charging more grows your revenue AND it grows your value. Every time I’ve chosen to up-level my pricing, the quality of my mentoring also up-levels.

So, if you’re growing yourself as an expert and a leader, your prices need to reflect that growth every year.

I made some big shifts in my business model after my daughter Emily was born. As a single mom who needed to work part-time, I had to laser focus on the strategies that create the biggest results with the least amount of effort.

I also had to get even more aligned with my purpose - ONLY making choices that felt right.

I just didn’t have extra energy for anything else.

I’ve been scaling my business with programs since 2008. The single BEST way I’ve found to fill my programs is hosting events. They’re especially good for selling high-ticket programs in the $2,000 to $50,000 price range. 

You can create a rush of high-ticket sales online and earn 5 figures to 6 figures in just 2 to 3 days. This strategy converts sales at such a high rate, you don’t need a huge audience for it to be lucrative.

The BEST way to reach potential clients is through collaborative promotional arrangements called Joint Venture Partnerships.

If you want to get your offers promoted by leaders who have thousands of your ideal clients on their email lists, this is the most effective and sustainable strategy out there.

In this article, I’m going to summarize the 3 key elements you need to successfully grow your reach with JV partners.

When it comes to sales pages that fill your programs, courses or events, you can’t help but wonder…

“Is my copy any good?”

“Will people read it?”

...and most importantly…

“Will they buy?”

Let’s run your copy through my “TSSS” Test to make sure it’s primed for sales success…

If you’ve been struggling to fill your high-ticket premium programs, you’re not alone. In today’s crowded online world, there’s more noise and competition than ever.

You may be talking with potential clients who are jaded by previous investments that didn’t deliver what they hoped. You may be meeting people who are overwhelmed with all the different options and unsure how to choose the right solution.

If you want a leveraged, high-profit business that makes a profound impact, you need to attract highly invested clients.

Offer them a high-ticket premium program that creates amazing value and transformation. You can do this starting now (no matter what level you’re at).

This month I’m completing my 16th year as a business owner teaching marketing to entrepreneurs.

I’ve grown so much as a leader, mentor and marketer. I’ve seen BIG changes in our industry. Some of them are positive signs of evolution. And some of them are depressing signs of deterioration.

Here at Irresistible Marketing, having enticing copy, effective strategies, and visibility are key for growing your lucrative online business.

But your “outer game” is only fifty percent of your power. Your “inner game” counts for the other half, and this is something most entrepreneurs don’t pay enough attention to.

It doesn’t matter how much business information you consume or how many things you do, none of it will get you anywhere without the right presence.

You need to get your marketing messages SEEN by more of your ideal clients so you can fill your programs, courses and events. But this is one of the biggest challenges I see entrepreneurs struggling with!

When you have a non-existent or small email list, it can feel even harder to get in front of more potential clients.

And frankly, even if you have a medium or large list, you still constantly need to grow it with new subscribers. Visibility is a never-ending priority to keep your business thriving and profitable.

It’s my birthday this July 20! I’ve made it an annual tradition to do an “inner celebration” during my entire birthday week by bringing more presence to my emotional needs. I focus on what I appreciate in my life and what I want to manifest more of. I love myself for how much I’ve grown. 

And sometimes, like this week, I make empowered choices to let go of things or people that are no longer in alignment with my highest good and well being. 

Imagine where you want your business to be in a year…

Maybe you see a thriving group program full of right-fit clients. You’re consistently earning 5 to 6 figures every month while working part-time. Your marketing systems and scalable courses are making a big impact and working FOR you.

You feel fulfilled and happy living in alignment with your purpose. You have plenty of money to create a high-quality lifestyle for yourself and your family.

This morning brought a magical surprise – snow!

In the Santa Cruz Mountains on the California coast, it was a first for me in my hometown. I ran around with glee in the flurry falling from the sky. My daughter and I threw our hands up and screeched with delight. It was stunning to see the snow sticking on trees and even our hair!

This might seem commonplace to many people, but as a California native I’ve only been in snow a couple times in my life, and certainly never in my neighborhood...

Do you know the single best strategy I’ve used to rapidly grow my email list?

It’s hosting summits and giveaways. Both of these collaborations have their pros and cons. That’s why this year, I’m innovating something NEW - bringing the best of both worlds to create a hybrid. Keep reading to learn more…

I’ve managed long-term health challenges for the life of my business and in a weird way, this has been a blessing.

So many entrepreneurs allow their businesses to run their lives, eventually driving them into burnout or worse. Until your body is screaming at you for a change, it can be tempting to overwork it in the pursuit of your goals. 

Unless you don’t have that option. When your body is already talking to you very loudly, you have to listen and honor what it needs.

Most entrepreneurs don’t realize this, but marketing your program starts with creating your program.

I’ve worked with over 5,000 clients, and the most common struggle people come to me with is low program sales or flopped launches.

Sometimes (and this is the heartbreaking part) people give up because they think marketing is too hard! Or they just put it on the back burner because they can’t figure out how to sell online more effectively.

You want to grow an online presence with offers that attract clients and fill your programs 24-7…and you might be feeling overwhelmed about the exact steps to do that effectively. 

There are so many options to package your expertise. Should you do a free webinar or charge for it? Should you offer a low-cost e-book or a strategy session? Should you offer this course first or that one? And in what order? 

I want to put your mind at ease. Keep it simple and avoid stretching yourself too thin with many different offers.

When you want to scale your business online and transition to a one-to-many model from a one-to-one model, a key strategy is pricing your programs and services. 

I made profound mindset shifts around my pricing in 2010 – and this was the pivotal year that catapulted me into a lucrative, leveraged business model that would earn over $8 million.

I recently led my 3-day virtual retreat, High-Profit Online Events, and I felt so grateful to support the amazing group of purpose-driven entrepreneurs attending. I gave my all and poured my heart into this training.

I felt so much love from so many clients in this retreat. And I’m getting lots of positive feedback about the quality experience participants had. Comments like…

Want to attract more high-paying clients you love? AND have a leveraged way to support them so you work less, while earning more?

Well the BEST way to do that is by offering your own premium group program (that’s priced over $1,000).

I’m preparing a new launch right now and the excitement is building… 

We’ll be releasing a new challenge and crash course that you can participate in for FREE…details coming very soon. 

How do you want your business to grow in 2022? If you could wave a magic wand, what would your profit, schedule and impact look like?

While there’s no such thing as a magic pill or overnight solution, you do have a magic wand to make your vision real.

Last week the 15th and biggest typhoon this year ripped through the Philippines, destroying thousands of homes, including that of our dear team member, Catriona Palo.

Catriona and her family are running out of safe drinking water and food, as debris is blocking access to supplies on many roads. While they have found temporary shelter in a small room, they are not sure where they’ll be able to spend Christmas.

If you’ve ever thought of sales as trying to convince people to buy your program or service, I have a total reframe for you. And if you’ve ever been turned off by a slimy sales method, you’re going to love this new paradigm. 

When you sell like you’re trying to get something from someone, it can feel like manipulation. And that repels your potential clients. 

If you don’t ask for what you want, how do you expect to get it? 

This is what I ask my girlfriends when they complain about their partners not giving them what they want. They’re hurt because he, “Just should have known!”

One year ago, during this week in August, wildfires erupted in the Santa Cruz coastal mountains where I live. They burned over 86,500 acres and destroyed 1,400 structures and homes. 

As the fire got super close to my property, I had to evacuate and was without a normal home for close to a month.

I’ve realized just how much becoming a parent has cured my perfectionism. My going-on-four-year-old daughter is a master of chaos. 

She’ll turn carefully organized toys into a scattered pile in seconds. Everything she eats ends up on her face and clothes, even when she’s wearing a bib. 

Not that long ago, I was struggling with launch burnout in my 7-figure business. It felt like I had to hustle nonstop to keep my marketing campaigns running, so I could keep filling my programs and covering my high overhead costs. 

These marketing campaigns used to suck so much time and energy. And my business model was dependent on filling and hosting four live in-person events per year, which came with huge expenses.

Each month in the Irresistible Marketing Club, I lead a live training on an essential topic to grow your lucrative online business. 

This month we covered the first part of finding and connecting with influential Joint Venture partners (aka referral partners) to promote your offer. Here’s a sneak peek at a few golden nuggets from our training.

So you dream of having a leveraged multiple 6-figure business while you work part-time and help hundreds more clients… 

But the question is…HOW are you going to get there? 

If you’re busy working with private clients or in a full-time job, your time and energy are extremely limited. You’re probably feeling overwhelmed just thinking about all the steps needed to build a new business model.

Being an entrepreneur gives you the most freedom - ideally. In reality, many entrepreneurs are overwhelmed with an ever growing “to-do” pile.

While they have the freedom to set their own schedules, they’re actually slaves to their businesses. Can you relate?

If this ever happens to you…even a little…it’s time to shore up your boundaries. For many people this “b” word can sound harsh, like walls that push people away. You may be reluctant to say no or hurt feelings. 

I feel like a Phoenix rising from the ashes...almost literally. My home just barely escaped getting burned down in the Santa Cruz Mountain wildfires that are still being put out. It was spitting distance from the flames but is still standing thanks to our firefighters. 

For over two weeks since I got evacuated, I have been living in a trailer on a friend’s property. I am SO blessed to have this space as it’s one of the few ways I could have found shelter that’s good for my well being.

Have you ever wondered, “Am I good looking enough to be visible online?”

Well you’re certainly not alone if you’ve had any doubts or concerns about your image, especially when it comes to sharing photos and videos of yourself with thousands of people you’ve never met before. 

Social media plays a huge role in our culture now, and for those of us who weren’t raised with it, well...we’re still finding our comfort levels in the spotlight. 

“We make this shit up.” This is the most memorable thing I learned from my university professor when getting my sociology degree 20 years ago. 

She was talking about social norms, divisions, rules, labels - the ways we define ourselves and others in society. 

These ideas can vary wildly from person to person because we give them meaning. And that meaning can be changed at any time.